Wednesday, March 5, 2008

First Visit Angsts!

Alright, a member arranged your first visit and the big day has finally arrived.
Don't know what to expect?
I can tell you with all honestly, I was and didn't! I searched on the internet and found only limited information and I was a typical guy, refusing to ask my friend about the club's protocol. I never ask for directions either. Explains why I'm so often driving in circles in downtown Los Angeles watching the same buildings continually pass by.
With family at hand, we began our first visit to the club, choosing lunch, figuring the atmosphere would be less formal. Worked out pretty well!
For some strange reason, I'm always nervous pushing the buzzer, waiting to hear, "I'm sorry, but we don't have your name on our list." Hasn't happened yet, hopefully never will. I can somehow imagine the hordes of guests in line for The Blue Bayou laughing hysterically at the idiot trying to sneak into Club 33.
We entered the club with a warm greeting from the hostess. She was very demur and soft spoken and probably picked up on the fact that we had no idea what was going on.
Wasting no time in taking the laboring oar, she gave us a brief introduction to the club and stated our table was being readied. Her small phone rang, our table was ready!
She walked to the French lift, opened the door, we climbed aboard, our visit had officially begun.
The welcome continued on the second floor, where the maitre'di opened the lift door and introduced himself. He asked if this was our first visit, we answered in the affirmative, and he offered to give us a brief tour.
By now the tension was beginning to fade, the smell of rosemary filled the air and bustling crew members were busy carrying trays of food to the buffet tables.
WOW! This was amazing. How all this had remained such a secret was beyond reason.
Long story short, within minutes we felt right at home. The staff was polite, the cuisine was delectable and the assortment was most ample. We simply fell in love with this unique establishment and looked forward to our next visit, which couldn't come soon enough.
So, if you're going to visit the club for the first time, don't be nervous. No reason to be!
Sure, you'll have to meet their dress code, no cell phones in the dining room (thank God!), and don't harass the celebrities, do not over-intoxicate yourself, you know, just follow the common rules of courtesy.
Take your time and enjoy your stay, it will be over before you know it.
Oh, before I forget, take photos! I didn't take a camera on our first visit, didn't want to seem to presumptuous and I regret it now. The years pass quickly, kids grow up, photos are priceless.

1 comment:

DawgPound said...

'had to laugh at your nervousness...I've been a member now for awhile and I still remember feeling a chill of fear when the matre de gravely and quietly asked if I might leave my guests downstairs and see someone upstairs about an important matter. I felt like I was summoned to the principal's office. Come to find out that our table wasn't going to be ready for about 20 minutes and they apologetically wanted to know if we wished to sit for a drink or to get an immediate entry through a back door onto Pirates!